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Module task


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This package contains functionality for the Task-App in the d.velop cloud.

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Task Functions

  • Create a task.


    Returns Promise<string>

    Location of the created task

    import { createTask } from "@dvelop-sdk/task";

    const taskLocation = await createTask({
    systemBaseUri: "https://umbrella-corp.d-velop.cloud",
    authSessionId: "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
    }, {
    subject: "Cover up lab accident",
    assignees: ["XiFkyR35v2Y"]

    console.log(taskLocation); // some/task/location
  • Update a task.

    import { updateTask } from "@dvelop-sdk/task";

    await updateTask({
    systemBaseUri: "https://umbrella-corp.d-velop.cloud",
    authSessionId: "dQw4w9WgXcQ"
    }, {
    location: "some/task/location",
    description: "Try harder! Bribe some people if you must.",
    dueDate: new Date(new Date().getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 5)) // due in 5 days


    Returns Promise<void>

Other Functions

  • buildRangeParameter(params: BuildRangeParameterParams<number | Date>): string
  • Helper function to build search ranges for priority or date values.


    • params: BuildRangeParameterParams<number | Date>

      Description of the range.

      import { buildRangeParameter } from "@dvelop-sdk/task";

      const range = buildRangeParameter({
      from: new Date(),
      to: new Date("2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
      beginInclusive: true,
      endInclusive: true

    Returns string

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